What You can Expect from SharpenYourSkills as the Training Provider
The SharpenYourSkills format allows for collaborative working which should enhance the learning process. To this effect, SharpenYourSkills.Com as the training provider, undertakes the following:
To deliver an online training course in E-Working over an agreed period as per course objectives and syllabus.
To provide training services to prepare participants for seeking employment
To provide a response to e-mail or Web site enquiries within 24 hours. This may from time-to-time involve sending a holding reply or acknowledgement, and the query will be dealt with as soon as possible.
To provide all training resources required for the programme.
To provide telephone support in case of emergencies.
To review all CVs submitted in advance by the required deadline, and provide individual feedback on each individual CV.
To ensure confidentiality when dealing with any issues that might arise within the programme.