Programme Overview

The structure for the Programme day is as follows:

8.30am           Registration and Coffee

9.15am           Opening Plenary


What employers expect from job applicants
What they actually get
How to differentiate yourself
Research the employer
Research the job
How to do a bad interview
Questions not to ask!

10.00am         At this stage, the one to one review of participant’s CVs begins in parallel with
                       three group sessions. Those participants who have opted for specific CV
                       review sessions can pick up the group sessions in the afternoon programme.

Meanwhile, the group sessions are as follows:

10.00am to 10.50am – repeated at 2.00pm to 2.50pm

Preparing a CV
Maintaining a CV, common errors, formats, personal statements,
content, truth, choosing referees, social media management

11.00am to 11.50am – repeated at 3.00pm to 3.50pm

Interview Planning
How interviews work
The roles in an interview situation
Dress, personal hygiene, grooming
Getting your head right

12.00noon to 12.50pm – repeated at 4.00pm to 4.50pm

Interview Techniques
Listening skills
Understanding questions
Body language
Asking questions

1.00pm             Light Lunch and Networking

2.00pm             The morning programme is repeated

5.00pm             Closing Plenary

   Feedback – Programme review

   Questions and Answers

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